Privacy Policy

Our website, “,” referred to as “we/our/website” in this privacy policy, understands the significance of your privacy. This page outlines how we collect and may retain your data for what purposes and how we ensure the security of your information.

This notice hereby confirms that by using our website further, you agree to provide consensual information and share your data with us. If you do not comply with our policies, you may not use our website or access its contents.

What Information Do We Collect?

We collect information you provide us manually or automatically when you access our website or its services. The data we gather may depend on how you interact with us. 

Our website uses Google Analytics to collect automatically identifiable information that may not be limited to location, clicked links, and content viewed. 

As for manual data, when you interact with us via our contact page, registration page, comments, newsletters, or engage in any of our campaigns, we may require your email address, phone number, age, and sex, accordingly. 

If you do not wish to share such information, you may be unable to access some of our website’s features.

Do We Collect Sensitive Information?

No, we value your privacy and do not process sensitive information unless required by law or with your consent.

Rights On Data Usage And Sharing Of Information

The sole purpose of collecting data is to calculate statistics and enhance the user experience. We may use your information to communicate with you [newsletter, for instance] and to comply with legal requirements.

We may share certain information with third-party services for the aforementioned purposes since we use Google services like analytics and ad programs. Our company won’t be using your information except for the listed purposes in this policy.

However, this does not limit us to disclosing your information without your consent if we are obliged to do so by legal bodies.

Precaution On Third-Party Links And Embedded Contents

This privacy policy only applies to our website, “,” and does not constitute other websites or embedded contents [Images, Videos, etc] you may be visiting that are present on our website.

As mentioned in our disclaimer, we are not liable for any consequences if you share information with third parties, as we have no control over their policies or practices.

Visitors are advised to read their privacy policies before engaging with them.

Retention Time And Security Of Your Data

In regulation with the country’s law “where our website is based” and in alignment with other privacy acts like GDPR and CCPA, we may hold your information until the purpose of the data is completed.

If you register on our website as a user, we keep your data throughout the subscription period. You and website administrators will be able to access your profile. If you have posted a comment in our articles, we may retain your “comment” and its data indefinitely to ease the processing of follow-up comments.

If we no longer need to process your information, we will delete it from our database.

We put our best efforts into keeping our users’ data safe with our technical and organizational measures. However, we can not guarantee that transmission over the Internet is 100% safe. We also advise visitors to use a secure environment.

Data Protection Rights: GDPR And CCPA Compliance

As a digital user, you are entitled to certain rights regarding the collection and use of your personal information under data protection rights, depending on the region in which you reside. 

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and GDPR UK protect the personal data of residents of the UK, EU, and EEA regions. These regulations allow residents to control their information regardless of where a website is located. Their rights include:

  1. Right to be informed
  2. Access to their collected personal information
  3. Request for rectification and deletion of data
  4. Right to withdraw consent

If you are a California resident, you can exercise the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

The “resident” mentioned here is an individual with permanent residence in the State of California who may be outside of the state for temporary purposes but does not include individuals who reside in California temporarily/transitionarily.

The CCPA ensures that individuals control the information that businesses collect. It allows Californians to request data deletion, correction, limitation, or opt-out of information sharing and guarantees non-discrimination for exercising rights.

In accordance with applicable laws, you can request modification/rectification/deletion of your data, which we are liable to act upon. You can reach us via our Contact US page or email us at [] for further procedures.

However, we may take you through a verification procedure [will avoid another request except for personal information] in case of such requests to prevent fraud.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA)

Our website and services are not aimed at children under 13 but at a general audience. We do not knowingly collect data from minors and do not solicit from or market to children under the prescribed age.

We acknowledge that you are at least 18 or under parental guidance when accessing our services. If there exist such conditions where we are informed of “unknowingly” collecting information from an individual under 13, we will act promptly to delete such data.

What Are Our Cookie Policy?

Cookies are small files the web server sends and stores in the user’s web browser to collect data. We enable cookies on our website to collect information on user behavior and analyze the individual’s preferences to enhance the personalized browsing experience and make it smoother.

When visiting our website or accessing our content, we create temporary “session” cookies for analytics that do not contain personal information. These cookies expire after you close the web browser.

If you register on our website or log into our services, we use “persistent” cookies, which store login credentials, language preferences, and browsing history. These cookies remain valid until their set expiry date or until users delete them, and they are used for authentication and security purposes.

We also use cookies to navigate through advertisements that help us display relevant ads to you. However, after allowing cookies to be placed, we have no control over them. If you wish, you can remove or reject cookies from your browser, but it may affect/decrease the quality of user experience, or you may not be able to access some features of our website.

Advertisements And Ads Display

We may be affiliated with different ad companies to display advertisements on our website. In such collaborations, we may collect and share certain information to display relevant ads.

As mentioned in [Cookie Policy], third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to monitor user interaction with ads and optimize for user preferences.

Updates And Amendments To Privacy Policy

We, “,” reserve the right to change/modify/update any statements in this privacy policy, which will go into immediate effect. The “Effective Date” will be the most recent “published date” of this policy.

If you continue using our “Website” or services after the “Effective Date,” you agree to our terms and conditions and adhere to our renewed policy whenever it is updated. So, we encourage readers to review the “Privacy Policy” page periodically.

For queries or concerns on the privacy policy page, ping us at or through the contact form on the Contact US page.